Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday, November 4, 2019

School Principal offer OR Cluch

Many of us finds it  as opportunity to do best for uplifting of assigned school with freedom which was captured by their x principals when they’re teacher. It’s an experience just like a bird ready to fly on the high tree branch. Management gives you daydreams if you are a first time principal e.g. You’re the owner of school and bla bla bla
But you’ve heard “all that gliters is not gold”, similarly you need to sure that whether you are not fooled or allured by illusion created by recruiter. Otherwise after some time he will smile as he got is purpose solved, “a good man in less”, and you will trapped.
Most common problem is joining in hurry considering this opportunity as last chance, but remember like for most of school you are not last employee of the world, similarly this is not the last school of world. Some times when destiny closes 1 door for us to open 10 new doors for us. Wait and have faith in supreme power. If thinks are not looking as per you expectation don’t say yes.
Never under estimate your self, this is the most common in the first time principals “Oh! Someone gave me opportunity he is my godfather ” NO! if he is adjusting with your skills he will compensate somhow for sure.
Less salary never means less work. Clear this garbage from you mind that if I m getting less comparing to other principals I have to face less challenges. NO NO NO playground is same for all principals, irrespective of how much you are getting. Only the difference is how much the management supports you.
1.       Understand school background and stability
2.       Understand financial stability
3.       Find market repo
4.       Meet x employees to find pros and cons
5.       Never keep your mark-sheet mortgage
6.       Find how many active directors
7.       Understand roles and responsibility of each director
8.       Understand roles and responsibility you’ve to carry cautiously
9.       Never do what not told extra working yield nothing but troubles.
In next post I’ll share some tips for making your interview success.

Why principals are frustrated ???

Why principals are frustrated ???
Yah!!! It’s seems odd to speak or discuss but it’s a reality that you can’t overlook. But why level of frustration is increasing. While in opposite to that he/she must be happy as getting highest salary and social image.
Disclaimer- this is not an imaginary or fiction, it’s based on dialogue with some contemporary principal friends experience. This is directly related to all living people around us or we, yes we.
First let’s start with glorification of Principal ship.
·        This is post with high expectation but least salary as much as possible. A Principal is face of school. So he must be charming in looks and speaking. Attends all local and govt. body meeting related to school.
·        And frankly speaking he is bounded to not to do any other thing as school image is pinned with him.
·        He is engine of school, so school flies on his creativity.
·        He is a bridge between management and teachers and other staff.
·        Since he had been a teacher earlier so he is best one to understand practical problems of teachers and teaching.
·        He is best person to train the teachers.
·        He is great counselor and motivator for students, teachers and parents.
·        He is administrator to see discipline and smooth functioning of school and teaching work with lowest expense. 
And what happens in reality,
School management sees principal as pose of “virat roop lord Vishnu” with 10 hands, who can supervise all area with expertise, which is impractical for a human. In some school I experienced principal is seeing administration and accounts and he is teaching some classes also, sometimes full day.
Sometimes, such situation gives feeling of MNC in schools that “if you pay a penny, squeeze him like a lemon”. 
Whenever he wants to experiment a new idea, he is braked by saying, “sir you don’t know system here, perhaps management not like it, or are you sure it will work”. Why everyone forget that to be a principal experience and skill are required otherwise we could have more number of principals than teachers in our country. So if he is proposing some idea he has already done all home work.
A principle is supposed to carry all the instructions of Management but if he takes some important issues of staff for teachers considered as a taking side of them this is not fair. Every time management cannot be correct, sometimes there is some corrections required which is as per the understanding of principal could be in benefit of school. As only he is the person who understand the situation is exactly. Because you cannot deny the fact that with an unsatisfied staff you cannot go further.
When principal find a requirement of training for the teachers, as per the requirement of the proper teaching in the classrooms. Teachers bunk training session arranged by the principal with the help of their power, and reach to the directors. In that case, what a principal can do when he is blamed to not to turn the teachers as per the expectation of Management. Or getting desired result from classroom teaching.
The counseling capacity of principal is mostly used as a troubleshooter in case of students issues in a school and normally in the PTM when angry parents came to solve their children issues. or he has been just treated as a showpiece in the functions of a school to deliver a good speech. Now where is the justification of principles counseling talent.
And sometime it's really heartbreaking, when some directors are appointing principals on high package as a showpiece at the time of admission to get more admissions and then fire them and their purpose is solved.
I am not saying that I am hundred percent right. It's just my part of the scene. your suggestions and queries are welcome on my mail ID that is mentioned below
thank you very much